
Pay Per Click Jobs - Your Checklist To Finding The Right Job For You

by: Derek Rogers

When it comes to making a living online, the chances have never been brighter! You already see that there are plenty of people who are seeing a great deal of success when it comes to making money online, but what might not be immediately apparent is how you can join them. Search engine marketing, particularly through pay per click services, is becoming quite popular when it comes to earning a living from the comfort of your own home, but remember, you need to be critical of the opportunities that you will find. Take a look below for some tips that will steer you towards the right opportunity, and don't go forward until you can tick every single one off of your list.

Find out how much time you can devote to this opportunity.

The best opportunity for you will be one that will fit into the time that you have slotted for it. It doesn't matter how great an opportunity is if you are constantly trying to get more work, or it constantly expects more from you than you can give.

Think about the salary.

What are your current needs? Do you have a job that you are looking to get rid of, but does it currently pay the bills? Are you unemployed and need a situation fast? There is often a time period when search engine marketing opportunities and pay per click services will need to wait before they pay you. Ask how long it will be before you receive your first pay check and how much they think it will be.

Do you have the capabilities to do the job?

Think about your internet set up at home. Do you have a reliable connection and can you clock time on your own on the computer? Too many people need to fight for a turn to use the computer, and this can be quite detrimental to your plans. Take some time to really sort through your resources and what they will be for the foreseeable future. Think about any disruptions (visits, vacations, the busy time at your other job) and make sure you take them into consideration.

Do your research!

What do you know about the company that is hiring you? Do they have a good reputation online and what do people who have worked for them in the past say? Take some time to find out what people are saying in reviews and on forums about your new company. How much did the other people make, and were they paid in a regular and timely fashion? There are many points to consider when you are starting a new job, and you want to make sure that your newest opportunity is a good one.

By keeping to a checklist, you can make sure that you have criteria for judging the opportunities that you come across. This is a good rubric to use when you are choosing between pay per click opportunities because it gives you a place to start from. Take some time and make sure that this opportunity is the one that helps you succeed!

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LCD Tvs’ Benefits to Its Users

Aside from the low profile and additional space, LCD TVs offer more benefits to its users such as its higher resolution in comparison to other TVs. It is astonishing that it looks like it does not have a glare because it has only a low one. The reason is it is not like the typical TVs that has curved TV screen which allows the lights to be caught by the usual TVs and then sending it to people who watch in glare appearances.

LCD TVs can be compared to mirrors due to its characteristics. It is only exposed to disturbances of lights from specific path. The TV will not produce a light to you except when the light source is so powerful coming from that definite spot.

Unlike normal TVs, LCD kinds of TVs have no cathode ray tube. Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) is a gun which hastily shoots out electrons at the façade of a usual TV. Due to this, the electrons hit a surface which shines or glimmers, creating a pixel on TV screens.

Not only curved screens are needed by a CRT TV but also adequate depth that will position an electric gun at the back of it. After it, the image will be shot out of the TV. On the contrary, flat LCD Television utilizes a light source plus it has filters that polarize. Slim layers of Liquid Crystals are also present between these. This makes LCD TV, slender and competent if we will talk about space.

Obviously, Liquid Crystal Display TVs are more costly compared to the usual TVs. Yet, the former consumes less power than the latter. It will just mean that you can now save more money than you did because your electricity bill will decrease.

Another advantage of LCD TVs are its image clarity that the other TVs can not offer that much. This is simply because of the curved screens that are present in typical TVs which make the images less clear. The resolution and boundaries are excellently made in contrast with accustomed TVs. You can prove it by yourself once you start using an LCD TV. You can more notice this difference if you will watch DVD programs than TV programs though. It is because the former has higher resolution. So if you are a movie-hooked person, there will be no doubt that this kind of TV will fit your need.


To know more information about LCD TVs, visit Erratic World Site.

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Technology and Market Structure of Virtual Network Games

by: David ZHENG

We cannot see the future, of course, but there are a number of technological innovations that are relevant to gaming, that are also fairly easy to see coming. Currently, access to gaming involves some sort of access to computing technology, and access to gaming that can earn money involves access to a shared, persistent, physical computing environment, specifically a virtual world . The technology supporting virtual worlds is advancing so quickly that it would be foolish to describe the next generation in any detail. Suffice it to say that there are large, lucrative industries working energetically on different dimensions of the environment that virtual worlds thrive in.

These industries produce three items of interest, namely, connections, interface and content. Developments in connections include the internet and, increasingly, wireless communications. Development of interfaces includes voice command, head-up displays and body motion detection (computer-controlling gloves, gaze readers). Developments in content include the supply side of the market for games, where annual revenues have grown beyond Hollywood box office revenues. All three industries are expanding at a rapid rate. Whatever emotional experiences people seek, it may become possible, in the near future, to effortlessly connect to a virtual world that provides that experience at fairly low cost. Kurzweil argues that the explosion of computing power alone may be sufficient to change the daily course of life.

Since these developments all involve networks, they may seem to suggest a monopolistic market structure. If economic life online involves getting your email and hanging around with friends, there will be positive externalities with respect to the sheer size of the virtual world one visits. If I spend my time on Rubi-Ka, while you spend your time in Albion, we cannot talk to one another, and we cannot do things together. Thus, our time in virtual worlds is more valuable if everyone we know is in the same world. Moreover, if two worlds compete and one has more players than another, wouldn't everyone have an incentive to join the larger world, so as to enjoy the larger network of society, communication and entertainment that it affords? Might such network externalities lead to a domination of this market by one player?For example,some network games such as lotro gold,runescape gold,guild wars gold etc.

There are reasons to expect, however, that this market is not likely to be monopolized. First, there seems to be a great diversity of tastes for the different features of a world. Mr. Bird may want to be on Pluto, while Mr. Castronova prefers medieval Britain. One of the major attractions of life mediated by avatars is the anonymity it affords, and anonymity requires a person to have exit options: other worlds to escape to if one's reputation in this one gets unpleasant. Perhaps a savvy game developer could make a world so large and varied as to provide the essential minimum level of entertainment and anonymity to a sufficiently large number of people, so that membership in that one world becomes optimal for all. This seems unlikely, however, given that there is a marginal cost to creating and maintaining game content. Moreover, there are no economies of scale on the supply side to match the increasing returns on the demand side (Liebowitz and Margolis, 1994). Production of game content and its maintenance are both labour-intensive activities. One could perhaps increase production of content by allowing other producers (say, by opening game code to the public), but continued control of the world being created would be problematic. On the whole, it seems very unlikely that one developer could produce a world big enough to monopolize the market.

A second reason involves congestion. Virtual worlds are virtual because they are online, but they are worlds because there is some physicality to them. Avatars take up space. If a world has a certain amount of entertaining content in it, that content will almost always be subject to some kind of congestion effect. The cool monsters are in the Dungeon of Befallen, but if tens of thousands of us go there to hunt them, none of us will have a good time. Sometimes the only way to reduce congestion is to add content, but this, again, is labour intensive. There will also be congestion effects related to connection speeds and bandwidth.

A third reason that the market will probably not be dominated by a few companies can be found in the many competitive strategies that are available even now, but have not yet been exploited by new entrants. For example, the current set of developers have managed to impose huge switching costs on players by structuring gameplay around the time-intensive development of avatar capital. A player starts the game with a weak avatar, but gameplay gives the avatar ever-increasing powers. As power increases, the avatar is able to take more advantage of the game world, to travel farther, do more things, see more people. A person with a high-level avatar then faces a high hurdle in switching games, because in the new game he will start out poor, defenceless and alone again. This situation definitely locks in the game's player base, but it is also open to defeat by any number of schemes to reduce the switching costs. Surprisingly, no competitor to a current game has offered new players the opportunity to start their avatars at a higher level of wealth and ability if they can provide evidence of a high level avatar in another game. On the other hand, two games (Ultima Online and Dark Ages of Camelot) now offer methods to effectively start out ahead: in Ultima, you can directly buy your levels; in Camelot, you can start a new avatar at level 20 if you have already gotten one to level 50. These strategies help companies discourage the buying and selling of avatars outside the game, perhaps at a cost to the atmosphere within the world. In sum, what appear to be strong lock-ins and switching costs in the game market today may not be as strong as they seem; when savvy competitors appear, the player bases will generally be at risk. For example,some network games such as lotro gold,runescape gold,guild wars gold etc.

A final argument against a monopolization tendency comes from the nature of the content itself. Games are art, for the most part, and markets for artistic output exhibit a great deal of churn due to herding effects and the star phenomenon (MacDonald, 1988). If a company designs a better game, it will attract players. And while it is true that development costs can be significant, it will always be possible to produce a fun virtual world for a tiny amount of money and then scale it up as it becomes more popular.Whatever network externalities, supply-side returns to scale, and barriers to entry may exist in the market for virtual worlds, they seem insufficient to produce domination by a single company. The distribution of populations in virtual worlds is perhaps less like a natural monopoly market than a club goods market. Populations will sort according to the services, ambience, and fees of the various worlds. Virtual worlds will compete, as clubs do, but their size will be limited by congestion effects and by the marginal cost of increasing the scale of the world.

This analysis allows a tentative answer to the first question of the study: in the medium-term future, the online multiplayer gaming market will probably consist of a number of large, densely populated worlds, with varying degrees of portability between them. The worlds will generate large revenue streams and will occupy many hours of human time, some of it considered play, some of it considered work. The hours that people devote to games will result in the accumulation of stocks of digital capital goods. These objects will have considerable economic value. Given the expected growth in connectivity, interface technologies and content, there is reason to believe that this digital capital stock may eventually become quite large.

These considerations then lead to the next set of questions: If virtual worlds do become more important, how will this affect the real Earth economy?

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Examples of Cover Letters for Professionals

Various fields require a certain additional element from the general pattern of formal applications that examples of cover letters can significantly help you in highlighting your credentials.

When applying as a professional, before your audience will proceed to reviewing your qualification as stated in your resume, you would have to first invite them to do so. A cover letter just does this for you. For example, in the field of banking or sales, highlighting your experience and how you have achieved good performance despite obstacles can add up points towards job acceptance. Examples of cover letters for journalists, jobs in the medical field, executive posts and other professions would require relevant experience.

However, there are instances wherein you might want to change your field of expertise. So how will you market yourself with an experience that is not in line with your previous jobs? The examples of cover letters on this regard will basically tell you to relate the skills and responsibilities that you have acquired and use them as strengths in carrying out the job description of the position you are applying for. The content of your resume is the main ingredient in being considered for the position, but a good written resume can complement the facts about your capacities while a badly written one can affect the impression of the employer no matter how rich your experience may be. A secret that actually needs to be spread around is to include your own personal writing. Each experts that post their cover letters for guide follow their own style, so be sure to include a touch of your own while composing.
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Technology Jobs That Will Survive in Weak Economic Times

Web developers, designers, animators, embedded systems, semiconductor, messaging specialists, and JAVA developers are likely to be in demand in 2009.

The financial crisis is sending jitters all around the globe, especially to those who are looking for financial, marketing, factory and even technology jobs. Since many companies are affected by the credit crunch, employment opportunities will be scarce in the coming years. But even if many corporations have already started to cut jobs, people who work in the technology sector, particularly in information technology, should not be that worried. So, if you are one of the many who are seeking employment in the technology sector, below are some jobs that will not be very much affected by the economic problems.

Many experts believe that information technology jobs are not going to be dramatically affected by the financial problems that are facing many companies. In fact, there might even be increased work opportunities in this sector, as companies will be looking for ways to enhance efficiency when it comes to data storage, quality assurance, and other IT services. However, the future may not look as rosy for chief information officers and other senior managers in the IT industry. If you are holding such position, you might experience either a pay cut or termination due to redundancies in your job.

Some of the information technology jobs that will remain robust despite the credit crunch are in computer programming, testing and systems analysis, IT services, and technology development sectors. Remember that positions in such sectors will be available not only in IT companies but even in corporations in other industries. Keep in mind that almost every business relies on computers and digital technology. So, it is quite impossible for a company to simply close its IT department just to save on money. Therefore, networking engineers, IT administrators, PC support technicians, technical support professionals and computer programmers need not worry about their jobs for now.

Technology jobs that are linked to the Internet are also not very much affected by the economic crisis. In fact, many believe that the demand for Internet professionals will be increasing exponentially as more and more companies will rely on the World Wide Web for cost-efficient ways to market and sell their services and products. Web developers, designers, animators, embedded systems, semiconductor, messaging specialists, and JAVA developers are just some of the positions that may be available next year. To view exiting job openings in these fields be sure to visit technology job boards like Tech Career Direct. Moreover, there are other positions in the IT industry that may be holding less technical job descriptions but will also be in demand next year. These job positions include customer support, consultancy, marketing, and sales.
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Tips on Applying for Jobs in Dubai

hat do you think of first when you hear your friend tell you she’s just got a job in Dubai and that she is going to be flying out next week to take up her post there. Money, right? Admit it. You must be thinking, “Wow. She’s so lucky. She’s getting to go over there to work, and think of all the big bucks she’ll be earning!”

Well, if that’s the way you feel about it, you’re a bit off the mark, but not entirely wrong. The Dubai vacancies over there are lucrative indeed. So are the oil and gas jobs in Dubai.

Thank God that life in the Middle East has gotten more relaxed and definitely a far cry less glamorous than the modern place we see today. Gone are the days when camels were the only – or one of the only – means to get to and from work. Imagine wanting to get home early after a long day of work, and all you have is a camel to ‘speed’ home on!

If you’re looking to get these gigantic sums of money as was once paid to expats, that is simple not as prevalent as it once was. It’s a very simple life of people actually wanting to shift to Dubai in order to start a new life with a new career. The market is booming with life, and there is so much scope for new career and positions that are available in any given field that one could ask for.

In my opinion, the best and perhaps the easiest way to get a job in the Middle East is to get a transfer within your current company. They will make things so much easier when faced with the hassle of moving from one country to another, and probably even pay you a better salary for the ‘hassle’ of having to live in and work out of a different country.

Perhaps the next best way to get a job out there is to go through a friend. If someone you know is hiring, ask them for a job. Or if they know of someone who is, ask them to put in a good word for you so you can get a job. Although this sounds easy, it’s not as simple as it seems. Unless your friend happens to be well connected with the higher up’s and authorities, it can be pretty impossible trying to get a job this way.

If websites, transfers and friends don’t pan out, the best thing you can do is to get there and try yourself. If you’re planning on a few days trip to ‘check out the market’ maybe it’s a wise thing to do, but don’t expect to get a job so soon. In that case you might as well logon to a job site and put your resume there.

Keeping these pointers in mind, should take you on the road to success. Happy Hunting!
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Best Practices For SEO Experts and SEO Consultants

This is a big decision that must be reviewed carefully. Choosing a talented SEO Consultant is a decision that must be chosen with caution. By experts here, I mean people working in the field of optimizing web sites to succeed in the search engines.

SEO experts and SEO consultants all have strategies which they use to achieve their clients goals. These strategies differ amongst the different SEO consultants offering these services in the market. The regulations set by search engines also differ slightly to gain top rankings in Yahoo, Google and MSN. So you want a company that can provide great results in all major search engines. The fact that these companies differ in their search engine optimization practices means that there is no specific set standard for SEO experts. However there are definitely strict guidelines companies should stick to in order to ethically improve search rankings. Different SEO companies set their own set of best practices for their customers. There are certain practices that SEO consultants must observe which are common throughout the SEO industry.

SEO experts should help to ensure that web pages should conform to W3C standards and should adhere to white hat SEO methods. W3C stands for the World Wide Web Consortium. It is an international consortium led by a leader in the development of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee. The specifications for web coding are developed by the consortium. SEO consultants should ensure that the websites they are modifying are changed in line with the recommendations of the W3C.

SEO experts should ensure that they use keywords appropriately throughout pages. They should also make sure to properly create title and meta tags within page content. There are instances when SEO consultants may get carried away and use too many key words in the website content which can hurt rankings. The content becomes boring and repetitive or in some cases does not even make sense. SEO experts should be careful not to abuse keywords in his way.

Wisdom in the use of keywords is an important skill for SEO experts. As previously mentioned, providers should be wary of abusing keywords. They should also be careful to place them in appropriate areas in the text. Key words should appear in significant parts of the text such as the title, the heading of the webpage or in the tags used in the webpage. They should also be included in the first paragraph of page content.

Web designers use ALT tags and Title attributes to attract readers and also increase to improve the optimization of their website. ALT tags are used to describe images. They load before the image itself is loaded. If the image fails to upload then the ALT tag will have informed the viewer of what type of image it was and what it was about. SEO consultants include keywords in the ALT and Title attributes to increase the SEO of a web page or site.

Finally, the domain name that you give your website is important to the rank it will be assigned in the search engine itself. SEO consultants will advise you to place key words in the domain name of your website, or if you already have a domain name they will likely recommend key terms in sub page URL's. Having a name that includes keywords will greatly improve the ranking of the webpage. Another major factor that plays in to Search Engine Optimization marketing services would be inbound links from other web sites.

There are many other practices that are used by the different companies in the SEO industry, but those discussed above are some of the ones that are common to most talented SEO companies. It is important that SEO experts decide on good practices that will be of benefit to the customer.
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About Making Cash On The Internet

You have probably viewed all of the stories about earning money online. The media is filled with accounts of those lucky people who have become rich with a few clicks of the mouse and still more articles about folks using the internet to generate a sustained and long term business. Can it work for you? If you've have been pondering about making money online, here are some tricks of the trade and tips that can help you commence on your path to internet home business riches.

When it comes to online businesses, there is a lot of bad ideas out there you have to sort through and a lot of chance for falling victim to a scam. Numerous websites promote internet business opportunities that require or request a large upfront investment from you, and these are usually to be stayed away from.

Avoid any online business opportunity that sets you up and wants you to mass email people for reimbursement or that asks you to make a website to attempt to get others to buy into a business project rather than buying a specific merchandise. These internet scams are just pyramid scams, and they're not a good (or in some cases, legal) way to earn money online. One of the best ways to educate yourself about making money online is to ask for the advice of others who have done it. Do a little research and question asking and see how some online businesses you're comfortable with have set up their operations or website, or seek out some online business magazines that have articles with internet entrepreneurs business people.

See what you can learn and glean from them and from their errors. If you know anyone who does business online on the internet, see what advice they have to give you. Since so many entreprenuers have been successful at this online business thing by trial and trying different things at this point, you can learn from their articles what they learned the hard way and avoid some of the same bumps without making the same mistakes in the world.

Apart from seeing the technological sides of doing business online and understanding some unique logistics problems, like shipping or sending out to all of your consumers instead of having a storefront if you're selling a merchandise, online advertising selling, and the ins and outs of online writing articles, some parts of online commerce or selling are not so different from starting beginning a business in the real world. You should settle on a business that interests you,that you like and that you have some specific competency to bring to the table. Instead of chasing the "next big thing" and easy money (these kinds of ideas go boom, bomb out and then disappear all the time on the net), look for a business idea or option that you will like working on and that can bring you long term sustainability and opportunities.

Do research and look into your market, look at your overhead costs and search for who your rivals will be. These things will all provide you the best chance at being successful in the internet home business world. When it comes to knowing about making money online, there are a lot of resources to help you decide on the best path for you. There is also many sources of potential opportunity for turning your home business into a success if you do your homework and research first. Get to know your online business neighborhood competition and start enjoying the money rolling in.
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SEO You Need for Website Optimization

A few basic but necessary tools for use in your SEO work

There are a number of online tools that I use in my SEO efforts. Some of these tools are free and some cost money. I suppose you could do your SEO work without most of these tools, but who would want to? They make life easier, and they make your SEO efforts more efficient and effective.

A good keyword tool is critically important

I have to tell you, as far as I am concerned the single most important tool in your tool kit is a keyword tool. As I’ve said before, if your keyword phrases are not ever searched for then your search engine optimization efforts are in vain. First you need to find out what people are searching for in regards to your topic, and then do your optimization.

There are a lot of keyword tools out there if you do a little searching. Some are free, but I use WordTracker which costs me about $60 for a month subscription. It’s an online tool, and you just log in and use it whenever you need it. I usually end up subscribing for a month every few months. The thing is, it is so valuable that it would be worth way more than 100 times that price. Thank god for competition.

With WordTracker you can find out how many times a keyword phrase is searched for, how many sites are competing with you for that keyword phrase, and how many times your search engine listing would be seen per day if you were on the 1st page of the search engine results page. It also finds keyword phrases for you in various ways. Once you subscribe you have a wealth of information available as to how to effectively use the tool.

Google webmaster tools are invaluable in achieving a high ranking on Google.

I am a firm believer in using Google’s webmaster tools. For crying out loud, if Google is willing to tell you what errors and problems your site has, then you should listen! The webmaster tools tell you things like which keywords it sees in your sites content, what it sees in the link text on other sites that point to yours, which of your pages are being pointed to from other sites, and more. The tools tell you when you have duplicate title tags, not enough words in your meta description and when the meta description is duplicated on more than one page.

You can submit a sitemap to make sure all of your pages get spidered. Sitemaps can be very simple, consisting of just a list of URLs in your site. Google spiders your sitemap within hours of it being submitted, and it then tells you if there are any errors. It’s simply amazing.

Google Analytics is another good SEO tool

Google analytics can provide you with a wealth of information about your visitors, where they come from, and the paths through your site they take, the entry and exit pages and tons more valuable information. And it’s free. You can see at a glance your visitor bounce rate, number of visits over time, page views, and keyword phrases used to find you and so much more that I don’t have the space here to go into details. It’s very easy to check out, so check it out.

Link Popularity Checking Tool

Marketleap has a great little tool for checking your link popularity; marketleap.com. This tool lets you measure your website's online awareness and overall visibility. This SEO tool helps website owners find out who is linking to their site and gives a useful benchmarking report to quickly show where you stand in comparison to competitors and other major online players. You can also track your links over time by checking every so often. The site keeps records; some of mine now go back 4 years!

The Compete tool helps you compete!

I’ll conclude with a wonderful tool I use to find out the approximate traffic that any particular web site has; compete.com. You put in the URL of the site you are interested in and the tool gives you a number of statistics including the approximate traffic that the site receives. You can compare up to 5 URLs at a time and the tool gives you both numbers and graphs to view. Obviously the more traffic a site gets the more accurate the estimate. I’ve tried several and compete gives me the most accurate figures of the ones I’ve tried.

I like to see what kind of traffic a site gets when I am considering trading links and when targeting specific keyword phrases I like to scope out the competition to see if it’s worth doing.

There are many more tools that you can find online, but this gives you a very good start, and possible all you really need to perform expert professional SEO on your webpages.
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Internet Marketing E-books Can be Interactive and Pleasing to the Eye

To download these e-books you will have to choose ''save as'' to save them onto your computer. Otherwise you may not be saving the information just viewing it. Check to see if the e-books are in PDF format. Some sites offer e-books in Microsoft Word or other formats that are often simpler to use.
Internet marketing e-books can be interactive and pleasing to the eye. Once the e-book is downloaded on your computer, all the associated files are stored on there permanently. Another point that is great about e-books is that they can be updated with the click of a mouse.

One example of a good Internet marketing e-book is Google Cash by Chris Carpenter. This e-book tells how to make money by using Google on the Internet. His step-by-step instructions show how to begin using Google without even having your own website. Many users have said that this Internet marketing e-book has helped them make money in the shortest amount of time.

Internet marketing e-books can be found on e-book directories all over the Internet. Also, you can find listings of dozens of free e-books. Using Internet marketing e-books is a great way to get lots of great information on how to start a home-based business without spending a great deal of money. And since many Internet marketing e-books are free, there is no reason to not try to get some soon and start working on that dream home-based business tonight! For help visit www.make-your-ebook-sell.com.

Early e-books were generally written for specialty areas and a limited audience, meant to be read only by small and devoted interest groups. The scope of the subject matter of these e-books included technical manuals for hardware, manufacturing techniques, and other subjects.

Numerous e-book formats emerged and proliferated, some supported by major software companies such as Adobe's PDF format, and others supported by independent and open-source programmers. Multiple readers naturally followed multiple formats, most of them specializing in only one format, and thereby fragmenting the e-book market even more. Due to exclusiveness and limited readerships of e-books, the fractured market of independents and specialty authors lacked consensus regarding a standard for packaging and selling e-books. E-books continued to gain in their own underground markets. Many e-book publishers began distributing books that were in the public domain. At the same time, authors with books that were not accepted by publishers offered their works online so they could be seen by others. Unofficial (and occasionally unauthorized) catalogs of books became available over the web, and sites devoted to e-books began disseminating information about e-books to the public. Most e-book publishers do not warn their customers about the possible implications of the digital rights management tied to their products. Generally they claim that digital rights management is meant to prevent copying of the e-book.

However in many cases it is also possible that digital rights management will result in the complete denial of access by the purchaser to the e-book.E-book publishing as an industry is growing in the double digits yearly, according to the quarterly reports put out by IDPF. Among the first Internet-only publishers of new e-books were Boson Books, Hard Shell Word Factory and Online Originals, all founded in the mid-1990s? Each pioneered different aspects of what has since become common practice amongst e-book publishers, e.g. the support of multiple formats including PDFs, the payment of much higher royalty rates than conventional publishers, and the online presentation of free samples. For more details you can login to www.ebook-marketing-exposed.com. Hard Shell Word Factory set the first professional standards for commercial e-books and pioneered author-friendly contracts. Online Originals was the first e-book publisher to win mainstream book reviews (in The Times) and a nomination for a major literary prize (the Booker Prize).

Since the late 1990s, the many newcomers to e-book publishing have included most major print publishers. At the same time, many established e-publishers started to offer print versions of some of their titles. Thus the line between the two is fast blurring.
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Some Steps to Increase Your Website Traffic With Rss Feeds

Follow along and learn the simple secrets to increase website traffic with a few clicks of your mouse. RSS stands for "really simple syndication" and it serves as a tool to keep visitors updated to a websites changes without the person having to go back to the website.

Generating Your RSS Feed

If you have a wordpress blog (the most common blogging platform) then you already have an RSS feed built in to your blog. You can find your feed at your domain.

If you have another type of blog check the user guide of your blogging platform to find out where your RSS feed is located or how to generate one. For more details visit to www.inside-the-minds-of-winner.com .Unfortunately most internet marketers don't know the first thing about using their RSS feed to increase website traffic. There are some very simple steps that you can take to dynamically increase your traffic absolutely free with your RSS feed.

The first thing that you should consider doing is setting up a Feedburner account so that they can manage your feed. Feedburner is a free service that gives some basic traffic stats, keeps track of how many people have subscribed to your RSS feed and best of all makes it really easy for visitors to subscribe to your feed.

After you have setup Feedburner to manage your feed they will give you a URL for your feed. Take that URL and put it on every page of your blog so that anytime someone clicks on the link they will have the option to subscribe to your feed.

Two More Steps and You're Done

Once your feed is setup and the URL is on every page of your blog the only thing left to do is to submit your feed to some feed directories. For more information logon to www.ultimate-internet-marketing-tricks.com .A feed directory is a site that lists several feeds from all over the web on one website. Feed directories can not only bring in tons of new visitors to your website but they also provide good backlinks to your website. Backlinks are needed for any website to rank well in the search engines.

There are two feed directories that stand head and shoulders above the rest in the online world. Often time’s just submitting links from these two directories can rocket your site to the top of the engines which will obviously help you to increase website traffic.

The first of these two is Feedage. Feedage requires you to setup a free account but once you do you can submit as many feeds to them as you want. It's very simple and only takes a few minutes to setup a free account and submit your feed.

The second directory is Feedagg and they don't even require you to setup an account. You simply click on the "add feed" link and input your information. It's really that easy.

That's all there is to making the most of your RSS feeds to bring in extra free website traffic to your website. Follow the simple steps laid out and watch your traffic numbers steadily increase.
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Maverick Money Makers Review - Home-based Internet Business

Do you dream of owning your own home-based internet business
? It's true that there's a lot of money to be made online. The Internet is full of legitimate money-making opportunities that don't require a lot of money to be invested up. Maverick Money Makers program was started in 1997and is designed to teach people how to build a six-figure a month business on the internet from their comfortable home.

Maverick Money Makers program was created by Mack Michaels. This program is aim to help you generate at least $354.97 per day from working at home. The system claims that you can make at least $345 per day within your first 2 weeks. But majority of members did not achieve their success immediately. Most of them take at least more than 3 months.

Maverick Money Makers is not a get rich quick scheme. However you can potentially make a lot of money on internet, you need to be a serious-minded individual and put the time into studying and applying the method you learn in this program.

There are a lot of dishonest people selling scam business opportunities
by hyping up, how much money you can make online. You need to get clear on which criteria truly matter when it comes to the feasibility of any online money-making system. For example, Does this business serve a real market? When, where and how will I get paid? How will the products be delivered? Is there a clear system of traffic generation?

To be successful in internet business, you need the right mindset, the right attitude and the right system. A thousand mile starts with a single step depending on how far you want to walk. Overall, Maverick Money Makers program delivers what it's promised. This system is able to help you to build an internet business that can continue to grow.

To read more about the money making program visit: Maverick Money Makers Review
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How to Become an IT Consultant

By Joshua Feinberg

Would you like to become an IT consultant, but you're not quite sure where to start? Or are you looking into how to become an IT consultant on behalf of a friend, family member, or colleague, and want to make sure he or she is on the right track?

Either way, the decision to become an IT consultant is not one that should be made lightly or impulsively. There's a lot that goes into becoming a successful IT consultant.
In this article, we'll look at 5 crucial business development issues you should be thinking about as you consider how to become an IT consultant.

1. Becoming an IT Consultant is a Lot Like Launching a Professional Services Business. While some mistakenly try to copycat the business models of large retail stores, large computer manufacturers, or skilled trades people, the business of being a successful IT consultant is more similar to that of a B2B (business-to-business)-focused accountant, attorney, or management consultant. So be sure to take time to carefully plan your professional image, so you come across as a trusted technology advisor...not a glorified computer repairperson.
2. Embrace Time Management. As an IT consultant, your time is essentially your inventory. You sell your technical expertise, business savvy, and time to those small business owners and managers that need sound professional technology advice and ongoing support and oversight. So you better get a handle on how you manage your time. To do so, consider diligently journaling where every 1/4 hour of your business week goes, so you can analyze what percentage is (a) sales and marketing, (b) billable client work, and (c) administrative and operations.
3. Proactively Select Your Target Prospects with Both Eyes Open. Many new IT consultants make the nearly-fatal mistake of trying to market to "everyone" or "small businesses". Both of these target markets are way too broad for most IT consultants. Consider narrowing down your focus by region, industry, company-size, and existing technology platform.
4. Focus on Long-Term Quality Client Relationships. Most new IT consultants spend way too much time and energy dealing with one-shot-deal, transaction-oriented customers, with very little potential for substantial repeat monthly business. Make sure you focus on those small business clients that value the ongoing support and oversight that you bring to the table, and have the needs and budget to consult with you on a regular basis.
5. Get to Know Other Trusted Business Advisors in Your Community. Because so many IT consultants copycat the wrong business models and target the wrong prospects, IT consultants often get burnt out and discouraged long before they've even scratched the surface on the best, repeat source of new clients around. Make sure you get to know and befriend other non-competing technology providers, accountants, attorneys, and management consultants in your area. Remember, these professionals already have a foot-in-the-door with the same decision makers you're trying to reach. Take other trusted business advisors to lunch or dinner. Get together for coffee or breakfast. Play a round of golf. Invite them to a baseball or football game. Whatever comes naturally to you. But make sure you get to know other trusted business advisors in your community. This way you can start building those crucial business-nurturing relationships that your IT consultant business absolutely, positively needs as soon as possible.

In this brief article, we introduced you to 5 crucial business development issues you need to be consider on how to become an IT consultant. This way you can get your launch underway the right way, the first time around.

To learn more about how to successfully become an IT consultant, sign-up for free proven tips on How To Become an IT Consultant now at http://www.BecomeAnITConsultant.com

Copyright (C) BecomeAnITConsultant.com , All Rights Reserved.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joshua_Feinberg
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An Introduction to GPS Navigation

GPS simply stands for "global positioning system", and GPS navigation is a program by which maps are created to guide you towards your destination. But the benefit over a traditional paper map is that this is an electronic device which can offer your other functions besides simply telling you where you are.

The technology has come a long way in recent years, and has greatly grown in popularity. This is due to the fact that it is extremely useful for getting places you are unsure of, for anyone who travels for work or holidays.

It works by connecting the electronic device to satellites. These satellites send signals to the devices, which then decode them to discover the exact location of the user. Not only this but the device will also tell you the speed in which you are travelling and how long it should take you to reach your destination.

Whilst it has become popular in mainstream use, it was once only used in the military in the mid 1960s though has steadily evolved to become a way for anybody to find where they are getting to easily and without stress.

Why might you need a GPS system? Well in today's modern life many jobs call for travel to different places by car, and this can become especially stressful if you don't know exactly where you are going. Stopping to ask people for directions can be difficult and time consuming, so knowing exactly where to go will really help to save you some time and make things less stressful. It will tell you exactly how to reach your destination, and how to get back again once you have finished.

When looking for a GPS system there are many you could choose. This will all depend on your specific needs. Some devices are cheaper than others and require less technical experience to use. Others will have more features, meaning it might take a while for you to get used to them all.

If you want unit with all possible features then you will have to opt for a more expensive unit. This will be well worth it if you travel a lot or are planning a driving holiday. They will provide you with a digital display that shows approaching roads as well as the traffic condition in certain areas, and will usually even include a voice prompt to tell you out loud (if you wish) where to turn and when to watch your speed (and so on). All of these features work together to make it extremely easy to reach your destination.

They are not only used for reaching your destination but they are also used for tracking, which is why it is more and more commonly seen in mobile phones. This helps people to be located if they become lost. Whatever you want it for, you should do some research into the machines that fit your individual needs. Once you find a system you will wonder how you ever did without it!

Kentaro Konika GPS Review And Learn more about Gps Navigation

Copyright (c) 2008 Kentaro Konika

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kentaro_Konika
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Control In Time Management

Control is having the power to manage ourselves. When we have control of our lives, then we have the ability to manage anything that comes our way. No one can control every aspect of life, but we can maintain some control over what happens to us.

It is important to keep in mind that all things in life have an effect on us somehow, and when we are trying to learn time management, we need to consider that. The process of time management is complicated, but once mastered, makes life much easier. In order to develop an effective time management plan, you need to consider all areas of your life, and evaluate where your time is spent.

In thinking about how you can better manage your time, you need to consider all factors: time with family, friends, work, yourself, etc. You must prepare yourself for the little crises that are inevitable in life. This is the start of how to learn to control and manage your time. There is no end to managing time, but if we are able to do it, life will be easier and less stressful.

When considering how we can control our time management, you must consider such aspects of life as entertainment, relaxing, meals, dressing, and other things that form your life. Think about where you spend more time than you need, and figure out where you could use that time to make your life better. Eliminating wasted time in one realm of our lives and putting it somewhere else can help to build and solidify relationships, aid in stress relief, even help you do your job better.

One place where you can concentrate on controlling your time is at the workplace. Not using your time wisely or spending too much time on a project that can be delegated to other co-workers can make your job stressful, routine, and even boring. Taking control of your time will allow you to take on more meaningful projects, and be more valued as an employee. Control and management of your time is the best way to get the most out of your work, and your life.
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Employee Time Management

Time is very precious and one should always value it. In corporate world time is regarded as an asset. An employee who learns time management is always valued by the organization. He becomes more productive by following the technique of time management. He can achieve his aims quickly. He will be more satisfied and happy as compared to other employees. Employees in many organization are told to set their KRAs (Key Responsibility Areas) and they are given a specific time period to achieve them. Those who achieve their KRAs within their specified time period get appreciation, incentives and at times promotion by their employers. Time management leads to efficiency of employees. Optimum utilization of time leads to immense quality improvement.

Time management helps employees to achieve work-life balance. An employee who manages time well in his profession can spend quality time with his family which will result in employee satisfaction. It leads to multi-tasking. Many people do have views that in today’s world of stress, it is difficult to manage time, there are lot of deadlines given. While when such people are given training sessions, they realize later that it is not difficult to manage time. A number of techniques and tools are available these days which help in effective time management. For example – Microsoft Outlook, Smart phones, Lotus Notes, Time Manager toolkit etc. The skills of employees are enhanced using these tools. Thus it is vital to realize importance of time now. Time management contributes to improved employees performance.
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10 Easy Ways to Improve Your Concentration

Use these simple steps to improve your concentration and keep your mind sharp.

Having trouble concentrating? You're not alone! With today's frenzied pace of life, it's easy to be overwhelmed with demands on your time, and even easier to get distracted. Try using a few simple steps to recharge your mind and reclaim your focus.

Eliminate Distractions
Not to state the obvious, but to really concentrate, it's important to eliminate or at least minimize distractions. But what is distracting to one person may not be for another. Me, I like to listen to music to concentrate, but for some people, it just makes them want to throw things across the room. Identify your distractions – anything from noise to phones to people - and do what you can to reduce their distraction potential.

Take a Break
This may seem counterproductive to concentrating, but letting your mind wander or indulging in a change of scenery for a few minutes can be very beneficial and allow you to more easily refocus when you return to the task at hand.

Exercise helps ease tension and goes a long way toward improving your concentration. Whether you exercise in the morning or evening or take a quick 5 minute walk when you need a break, exercise helps melt away the stress of looming deadlines or problems and helps you think more clearly. Plus it makes you healthier and look good, too!

Build up Your Stamina
Even though this sounds like something athletes do, you can apply it to focusing on a task, as well. When you're having a particularly tough time staying focused enough to finish a task, simply push yourself to go a little farther. For instance, set a small goal to work just 5 more minutes or read 5 more pages. Your mental stamina will improve, and chances are that when reach your goal, you'll be in the mindset to go even farther.

Reward Yourself
Hey, we're human, and as such, we like rewards. Indulge in a movie, new CD, massage, night out or even candy bar once you finish a project. If it works for kids and dogs, it can work for us adults, too!

Regular meditation helps keep your mind sharp. It's kind of like exercise for the brain. Plus it's fun to seem all zen to your coworkers.

As mentioned above, music is my key to concentration. If it works for you, great. Plug in your mp3 player or pop in a CD of the music that works for you and get to work. If music has the opposite effect on you and you find yourself dong improv karaoke instead of working, you should probably file this under 'Distractions.'

Break Down
This doesn't mean you should have a break down - it means you should break down a large project into smaller parts. It's much easier to concentrate on a few smaller goals in succession than one large panic-inducing one.

Chew on This
Remember when your grade school teachers put a trash can in front of your face and made you spit out your gum? (Ok, maybe that was just me.) Well it turns out that maybe they were wrong. Studies have shown that chewing gum actually improves memory and concentration. Just be sure to opt for sugar-free gum if you're fond of your teeth, and don't chomp it loudly unless you want to be added to someone else's 'Distractions' list.

Have a Drink
Save the adult beverages for after work, but while you're working, you should make sure to drink plenty of water. Why? Even mild dehydration can make you tired and sluggish and less able to concentrate. So get yourself a reusable water bottle, drink up and let the concentration begin.

Reclaim your focus by using these simple tips. You'll be more productive, spend less time procrastinating and have more time for yourself.
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Brand New Positive Thinking

I believe that positive thinking is the main tool that was given to us in life to help us survive the good times and the bad times! If your like me ,sometimes positive thinking is the only thing we have to grasp ! I remember growing up not ever knowing about my Father which was really devastating ,especially living in a house with 5 women! Now let me tell you, that was a rough time and i did a lot of positive thinking back then. Back to my father ,The story is, that he Died on the job working on some power lines ! that's it folks ! That's all they gave me to swallow for years as a young child. Now all my life i have wonder over and over again even now ,was there more to this story? So as a child young when i had my alone time with my mother away from my sisters i would try to pick her brain about him because i just needed peace and mind about who and what my father really was !

Still Nothing to this Day i get the same story so i guess that was a hard time for my mom cause she never re-married. Now it was really rough going to my friends house seeing the life they had with an traditional family and experiencing quality time with Dad and son fishing trips or just a little Game of Catch every once in awhile in the yard ! Now that was the world i could have gotten use to but unfortunately i was stuck with mom And my 4 crazy sister ! So what did i do to find a father figure in my life? I walked 14 blocks to my grandmother house everyday just to be next door with my friend nick and his Dad .(uncle chuck) I believe Uncle Chuck saw it in my eyes that i was on a mission and searching for a male figure in my life! I had two lives , one at home with the girls and another with the boys! this man took me in and made me his on! Now the only bad part about that was when the boy's got in
trouble, that meant i was in trouble too, but that was OK because i was happy and i knew the rules and the circumstances !He taught me a lot and i knew if i kept thinking Positive that i would find my way to his heart and i did ! Understand when other friends came over to play and we were grounded then that meant i was the only one who could come over ! But being at home with the girls was a different story. Being there some days i just wished i could run away because of all the chaos my sister put on my mother made me feel really uncomfortable being the only guy in the house.I believe that is when, i started my new way of positive thinking ! For most of you who have had a older sibling you can pretty much picture your brother or sister being a teen doing all crazy things that most teenagers encounters in their youth. Now that's was a scary time for me because when they missed that 10:30 check in on the weekend doing whatever they did out all night long ,but when that happened ,no one was asleep that night because you know how the old saying goes if momma ain't happy ,then nobody is happy and i was not being awaking from a good night sleep to wake up from the chaos that my family created that night when my sisters arrived at 1 a.m. in the morning! So your thinking to yourself , Whats does this have to do with the new positive thinking? Well of coarse, I'm getting to point right now ! You See when i look back at all that drama that unfolded before my eyes everyday or weekend in my house i understood one thing about me! I always had a grip on Life! Meaning , i always knew that no matter how many times my sisters got in trouble that they would always come to me for help which was strange because keep in mind ,these are my sisters which who are older than me but still was looking for a shoulder to cry on with Advice or a positive message just to end their horrible night they just experienced with Mom! Now now matter how many times that happen to them i always gave them something good to walk away from and to me it was just simply common sense not to do bad and always think positive no matter what the world puts in front of you but sometimes life passes people by so fast, that it just doesn't hit home and then you have the effect of time not waiting on no one! the main Question is ,did my sisters ever act right or start thinking positive ? no ! I will say this , i WAS THE ONLY PERSON IN MY HOUSE WHO WAS NOT ASKED TO LEAVE AFTER HIGH SCHOOL ! Matter or fact i had a roommate at 17 then had my first job at a long job silvers and even bought my own car ,after that it was history!! I always new ,once i had a chance to be on my own then i would soon find myself , And once i did let me tell you about how powerful positive think can work for you! I met a lot of great teachers ,positive powerful people and strong powerful friends who i will never forget!

Why is the new positive thinking so important in life?

Everyday we come across some obstacle, such as a mean boss or co-workers or people who are just not happy with life because of the negative influence in life that they had to deal with for ever ! Now i know every person that you meet has had a bad story from yesterday all the way to their child hood! My main topic is can you get over the hump? For example ,when i announce that me and my ex -wife was getting Divorce the whole community shook up bad vibes!we were the talk of the town ! Now living in a small town that's doesn't seem small, when you know people and all they have to do, all day long ,is talk about people's problems, then you must know what I'm talking about ! But the most important thing is, Divorce wasn't so bad after at all like we've all heard it would be ! Now keep in mind my Ex wife is no Cinderella ( and I'm no prince charming)but now she is a great friend and it makes most people uncomfortable to notice that ! Why, because when you mention the D word in your family or community, church or where ever your people are they try to predict your out come of your life AND MAKE UP RULES ON HOW YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO MORN YOUR DIVORCE or basically try to live your life's outcome for you ! I'm sorry folks but when you decide to think a certain way and add some strong beliefs in your life then no matter what situation you come across ,with a Brand new way of Positive thinking you will always be on the Right Road to success ! Me and my ex made the Decision to be great friends for the kids because they deserved a good life with both parents regardless of the outcome ! I support her and she supports me and its a wonderful

God bless and always, Have a great day today, because tomorrow is just a gift, if you make it there !

Brand new positive thinking

by Lemmy Moore
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Personal Protection Tips

Do you ever think about how much personal information you carry around with you everywhere your go; like checkbooks, credit cards, organizers with personal information, mobile phones? These are the most common ‘personal information things’ that are carried around by people day-in and day-out either in a purse or wallet. You most like will never consider how much of your personal information you carry around until it has been stolen. The best advice is to ‘only carry what you need with you”. If you don't need a camera with you, don't take it and the same goes for cash and credit cards, only take what cash you need and don't take all your credit cards with you, just the ones you are likely to use. If you're not likley to be wrighting checks today leave your checkbook at home.

Pickpockets like busy streets and crowded places and often act very inconspicuously. Someone bumping into you could well be a pickpocket. If this happens, check that you still have your things with you. Keep your purse or wallet inside your jacket or trouser pocket. Pockets that zip or button are best. Check every now and then to make sure you still have your wallet or purse on you, but don't make this too obvious as pickpockets can spot you doing this and it will help them plan their attack. Be thoughtful about your surroundings and try to appear to be relaxed. Do not leave your bag unattended in a public place, such as in a pub, coffee bar or shop. If you try on shoes in a shop for example, don't walk even a short distance away from your bag. Keep it with you or ask the shop assistant to hold it for you. When you carry a bag, strap it across your chest and keep hold of it, but at the same time try not to look overly cautious. Keep the zip or opening towards you. Wallets are better protected from thieves by carrying them in a front pocket. Back-pack style bags are especially vulnerable to thieves.

Remember the police are there to help you but unfortunately most of the time they are only their after the fact. That's why it is important that you be prepared to protect yourself from thieves that don't act inconspicuously and may be threatening you with bodily harm. That's when you will thank yourself for having something handy for instant personal protection such as a stun gun or pepper pen. An electronic personal alarm will help you attract enough attention to catch a thieve off guard for just enough time to get away. The value of what you had stolen may be minor compared to the consequences of being attacked.

Call the police as soon as possible after something is stolen. However, don't dial 911 unless you have actually caught someone in the act and have managed to apprehend them. Think carefully before chasing after someone or trying to restrain a thief. Always put your own safety first.
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Fourteen Key Personal Development Skills

It's helpful to take a high level perspective on personal development, looking broadly at all the important skills. This can help identify areas you may be weak in, and serve as a mental checklist to help you focus. While this is not an exhaustive list of elements important to personal development, these are some of the most important.

1. Continuous Learning: Take responsibility for your own lifelong personal development, knowing that it?s the secret to success in all areas of life, and your most valuable asset. Your knowledge and experience is personal wealth you can never lose.

2. Positivity: Find the positive aspect in everything, accepting what cannot be changed, and acting on what can, towards a positive result. Don?t let circumstances drive your state of being, let your state of being drive your results. Smile and use humor to help drive a positive attitude and share it with others.

3. Personal Excellence: Strive to do your best in everything you do. If it?s worth doing, it?s worth doing well. Not only to achieve superior results, but so that if you fail you can remain positive rather than wishing you had tried harder. Look to be creative in your personal excellence rather than follow the safest, lowest risk path.

4. Honesty: Maintain honesty and integrity in all that you do. Trust and respect by others is hard earned, yet can be permanently lost over the smallest lie. Decide that honesty is one of your core values, and stick to it at all costs.

5. Know Yourself: You are a unique individual with your own strengths and weaknesses, all others have these also. The difference with a successful person is they have learned to leverage their strengths, and to identify their weaknesses so they can improve those areas through learning and practice. Accept yourself as you are without comparison to others, if you look you will find much about yourself to be proud of and thankful for.

6. Appreciate the Moment: Seek happiness in the present moment, even in the simple things around you such as nature, a good conversation, or a good meal. Excessive contemplation on the past or future steals this appreciation from you. Some techniques to support this is getting out in nature, and meditation.

7. Communicate Well: Learning to communicate well with others is an essential skill, which includes speaking, writing, listening well, and body language. Nearly everyone can still find areas to grow with these skills, and should receive constant attention. Becoming a good listener is one of the top areas of improvement you should seek, become truly interested in other people and it will work wonders.

8. Embrace Mistakes: Mistakes are a prerequisite to personal development; you must choose either courage and success, or safety and being average. Mistakes are a learning opportunity so long as you are not repeating your mistakes, if you have learned from a failure then pat yourself on the back. Carry this to other?s mistakes also, forgive them with this understanding in mind.

9. Embrace Change: Change is a constant part of life, and integral to personal development and success. Become excited about change, and look to it with a positive attitude. Be a leader by being the initiator of positive change. If you fear change, then you fear personal development, as self improvement is about changing yourself.

10. Increase Your Value: Know that personal development is not a selfish activity; rather it increases your value to others, ranging from relationships, business, and career. Too many people focus on changing others, which rarely works as well as changing yourself. Make a difference externally by changing yourself internally.

11. Be Giving: Seek to be giving, compassionate, loving, yet humble, knowing you receive what you give out. This is a secret to finding happiness in life.

12. Balance: Seek balance in all areas of life, considering family, relationships, career, business, health, leisure, and spirituality.

13. Gratitude: Be thankful for the gift and opportunity of life. If you have a spiritual belief, pursue the core tenets of the teachings and make them part of who you are.

14. Find Your Excitement: Find things in life that excite you, and act on them. Embracing things which excite and motivate you will move you more quickly into success and happiness, and attract the things you need to get there. This attitude will support and integrate with all the above tenets.
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Getting Through With Technical Writing

Technical writing is a bit of a misunderstood profession that is carried out by very competent and talented professionals. A technical writer’s job is to take information about a product, process, or service and present it in a way that is able to be understood by whatever the intended audience would be. For example, if a technical writer were asked to write instructions on how to assemble a piece of furniture the first question the technical writer would ask would be about the intended audience. If it is determined that the average consumer would be the intended recipient then the information would be presented in a way that is easily understood by someone who is not an engineer or technically inclined. The technical writer’s understanding of the product may be limited but it is their job to know the intended audience and collect the information necessary to get the point across.

In most cases a technical writer is not the person that created the product, process, or service. If we continue by using the furniture example above the technical writer is not the engineer that designed the furniture and they are not the person that created and packaged the pieces that make up that furniture. The technical writer is a translator that takes information from the engineer and the production people and puts that information into the format that has been requested. If a more technical set of documents was required then the technical writer would need to have enough of an understanding of the product to be able to put engineering terms into a format that is useful to other engineers.

While it is the job of the technical writer to translate and collect information it is not the technical writer’s job to create any kind of industry jargon or lingo. In that way technical writing is not creative writing at all. Technical writers are asked to take the information they are given and put that information into a pre-determined format. Any of the new terms that are created regarding a product, process, or service are created by other people and that information is then given to the technical writer to be placed into the document.

A technical writer is not usually an engineer although for many fields that employ technical writers it is not unusual for writers to have an engineering background. It is difficult for a writer to take scientific and engineering information and convert that into a form to be used for a specific audience without some understanding of the engineering or scientific concept behind the information.

A career in technical writing can sometimes offer little in the way of career advancement but like any other writing career a value can be added to the technical writer based on their ability to create useful documentation based on the information given. Many times engineers and scientists get used to working with a particular kind of technical writer and when the engineers have a demand for your services you can usually look at that as job security.

For more information on technical writing, visit http://technicalwritingguide.com.
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IT Managed Care - Considering the Capabilities of In-House Employees

By Zoe Soto

When it comes down to it, some software problems require highly specialized training to resolve the issues. It is often the case that a company's in-house employees do not have the capabilities of resolving these software issues. When this occurs, outsourcing the problem to a specialist, generally an IT manager is the obvious choice. However, in situations where the in-house employees are qualified to resolve the problem, the issue of whether or not to outsource becomes more complicated. The cost of IT outsourcing becomes an issue, as well as the capabilities of a companies employees tend to come into play.

Those tasked with making the decision of whether or not to consider IT outsourcing often weigh the options by considering the cost of outsourcing versus the speed at which the problem would be resolved in both cases. If there is an expert readily available to tackle the problem, it will likely be resolved relatively quickly. However, if in-house employees are currently overburdened, they may not be able to make this problem a priority, especially if the issue at hand is a minimal employee base.

The workload of in-house employees often comes into question when considering whether or not to outsource specific software related task or tasks. Often in-house employees are fully capable of completing a task but they are unable to do so because of their current workload. In a situation when all of the in-house employees are unavailable to take on additional tasks, outsourcing again becomes a viable option.

Streamline Solutions
Please visit us for you CRM and IT needs.



Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Zoe_Soto
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Is IT Outsourcing the Answer to Your Software Problems?

By Zoe Soto

Determining whether outsourcing is the answer to your software problems is not necessarily a difficult question but it is a question, which involves careful consideration. There are a series of questions, which should be asked to help determine whether outsourcing is a wise decision in a particular case. Examples of some of the questions, which should be asked, are:
# Are there in-house employees capable or resolving the software problem?
# Do current workloads allow in-house employees to work on this problem?
# How expensive will it be to outsource the task?
# What are the benefits of outsourcing the problem?

Once you have determined the answers to these questions, you may want to consider IT Managed Services, otherwise known as IT Outsourcing. IT sourcing is generally a company that manages information technology (IT) services for other companies via the Internet. Companies such as Microsoft as well as Hewlett Packard, offer these services.

Now, IT outsourcing can directly benefit an organization by reducing IT costs related to software production and/or maintenance. Dealing directly with someone over the telephone or videoconference eliminates the need for a commute between parties. IT outsourcing also allows all employees to be delegated to tasks, which directly affect the company, instead of double tasking to work on software issues or the company itself may be able to reduce labor costs as well.

Overall, there are specific questions one must ask in regards to whether or not to use IT managed services. Once these specific questions are addressed and benefits are addressed, then a company will decide whether to utilize IT Outsourcing.

Streamline Solutions

Please visit us for you CRM and IT needs.



Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Zoe_Soto
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Develop Critical Skill Sets of IT ManagementBoost Your Career With The Mentoring You Need to Succeed

IT management requires a broader mix of skills and expertise than any other business career. To be successful, you have to understand evolving technologies, master advanced business concepts, sell IT investments to management, manage complex projects, and motivate a staff of highly intelligent, but often challenging individuals.

One key to developing into an outstanding IT Manager is finding a mentor who has already mastered the many skills you need to develop. Finding such an individual who is willing to dedicate time to your development can be difficult, but now you can receive the mentoring you need from senior managers by subscribing to an exciting new product - the 20 Minute IT Manager. read more......

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How "green" is your information technology strategy?

21st November 2005
Green issues are no longer confined to the cranky fringes of society. New regulations, and a heightened awareness of global warming and environmental pollution, particularly amongst the younger generation, are driving a change in attitude that businesses ignore at their peril. But you do not need a social conscience to feel strongly about green issues because there are also sound business reasons for pursuing a more enlightened approach, especially when considering what computer and other technology to buy. Gary Simon, FSN's managing editor, examines green issues in computing decisions.

Annually, millions of businesses and consumers throw out old and obsolete computers without a second thought for how difficult it is to dispose of these devices safely or the harm that they may do to the environment. Neither do businesses typically concern themselves with the environmental impact of computers in everyday use though most users have heard of repetitive strain injury or are aware of the possible impact that screen glare can have on eyesight.

But what about energy consumption, noise and all of the noxious elements that a computer contains? Batteries for example contain cadmium and mercury, plastic mouldings and housings contain halogens and printed circuit boards are full of PBBs (Polybrominated Biphenyls) and flame retardants such as PBDEs Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers). Dismantling computers is also a challenge as anyone keen to destroy personal data by wrecking a hard disk before disposal is aware of. Whilst computers may have been transported to landfill sites for disposal in the past this is no longer a viable option as these are rapidly filling and costly to manage.

Two new pieces of environmental legislation are beginning to concentrate minds on the environmental damage caused by computers. The EC Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and EC Directive on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS) will come into effect next year and affect all businesses.

The WEE seeks to limit the total volume of used electronic equipment for disposal and set targets for the recovery rate and level of recycling. All producers of equipment, that is manufacturers and importers will be obliged to take back used equipment. Additionally, the RoHS Directive seeks to prevent the use of hazardous substances such as lead, mercury, cadmium and PBBs in the production of electrical and electronic equipment.

The impact on manufacturers and importers of electrical goods is obvious but large businesses can also play their part in supporting a sustainable environment by, for example, moving to compliant equipment. Fujitsu Siemens Computers, for example, has embraced the new legislation and believes it is one of the first to produce a "green" computer and says that most of its business products will be RoHS compliant by the end of this year.

Dave Scott of Fujitsu Siemens told FSN that the company has taken environmental concerns very seriously since the early 90's but saw no reason to delay on the implementation of the RoHS and WEEE directives. However, he acknowledged that not all finance directors are conversant with or interested in green issues. "If you look at the average FD's agenda its around compliance, profit forecasts, share process and investor relations. The environment hasn't really been on the FD's agenda but increasingly it will be because legislation is getting much tougher."

But the switched on FD can save money and pursue a green policy at the same time. "IT costs in large organisations are very significant but energy cost savings alone can be a persuasive factor," says Scott. "One of our key accounts in Europe saves 35 megawatts of electricity per annum on just 1000 more energy efficient PCs which roughly translates into cost savings of 6,500 Euros. Companies with tens of thousands of employees stand to make significant savings," he added. In addition, the machines are quieter and recent research carried out by Fujitsu amongst Britain 's students showed that 37% percent would reject a "non-green employer" and 48 percent say that they try to buy "with an environmental conscience."

One company that is a shining example in environmental matters is Hiscox plc an international insurer, which in 2004 received a Platinum award at the Clean City Awards Scheme for its continuing contribution to reducing, reusing and recycling as much waste as possible. For example, they have begun programmes to recycle batteries, mobile phones, lamps and CD's. Stuart Bridges, Group Finance Director, told FSN, "We have a strong policy to minimise the impact of our business on the environment and would definitely take into account green computing if we felt that this helped us with our policy. We have for instance installed air filters, on all printers and fax machines to remove toner dust, irritants and general fumes."

The good example shown by a few enlightened boards of companies has an impact far beyond the confines of their own organisation. For example, Fujitsu Siemens seeks to ensure that all of the components in its supply chain are environmentally friendly and Hiscox tries to minimise its insured risks by encouraging businesses that insure with it have sound environmental policies that minimise mishaps and subsequent claims.

However, not all companies and finance directors are similarly enlightened and Bridges is not convinced that companies take sufficient note of environmental factors in their purchasing decisions.

Isobel Sharpe, a Deloitte audit and technical partner points to a number of issues that may limit what companies declare in relation to their environmental concerns. Whilst the Operating and Financial Review (OFR) and the Accounts Modernisation Directive urge consideration be given to the reporting of environmental KPI's such as the reduction of waste or the level of recycling Sharpe cautions that they have to be significant to the business. "I don't expect companies to report more than five KPI's in total, which doesn't leave much room for environmental KPIs. The other problem is that by bringing reporting into the OFR itself as opposed to other areas of the annual report and accounts, directors are exposing themselves to oversight by the FRRP and a tighter regulatory regime." But this view is at odds with Defra guidelines on environmental reporting which suggest that more companies need to report environmental impacts. It considers that there are 25 KPIs which are significant to UK businesses although around 80 percent of businesses will be affected by 5 or less.

It seems that boards have to decide for themselves whether active management of environmental concerns is to be a matter of regulation or good citizenship. But Dr Richard Mattison, Head of Strategic Planning at Trucost plc, the environmental consultancy, told FSN, "I expect most companies in the FTSE 350 to include information about environmental factors in their OFR. This seems to be supported by research from the ACCA. It may be one KPI, a page or even less, but companies that omit to say anything will probably find themselves subject to closer scrutiny and the markets will seek explanations as to why environmental factors are not relevant to their future strategy."

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CIO News View: Top 5 IT Things That Won’t Happen In 2009 Despite Being On Predictions Lists

Martin Veitch http://www.cio.co.uk/
In 2009, the biggest trend will be to postpone new stuff

At this time of year, journalists love to compose lists to fill demand for content that can be rolled out at some point in the media dog days over the festive period, even if the writers themselves have disappeared off on holiday. Nothing wrong with that, so here is ours, but in the form of an antidote, suggesting some things that *won’t* happen next year.

5. Broad deployment of business intelligence tools. Lots of people think that BI tools will be deployed on more desktops so end-users can better understand trends -- and, naturally, BI vendors are keen to expand from their executive customer base. But BI is advanced software for advanced people and giving full-scale analysis tools to the troops is a bit like providing a Howitzer to get rid of a mouse – silly and really quite dangerous too. Making the tools cheap and more usable is just marketing department window dressing.

4. Going green. It’s a myth that IT has gone green. Most CIOs care acutely about getting more value from their investments and part of the remit is to cut costs wherever possible, including electricity consumption. Saving the planet is just a bonus.

3. Sorting out ERP strategies. There will be a time for many companies to make sense of the ragbag of enterprise applications they have assembled or inherited. But with SAP and Oracle still making sense of the applications they have put together through acquisitions, it won’t be 2009.

2. Offshoring booms. Some people think that going into recession means it’s time to offshore anything that moves. Maybe there will be a spike somewhere but it won’t come from financial services, the travel sector or other hard-hit verticals that will seek to lie low in 2009 rather than drive projects, no matter their perception of offshore value.

1. Desktop refresh cycles. Windows Vista was an OS too far for Microsoft and PCs bought even five years ago still have plenty of CPU, RAM and disk headroom in most cases. Conclusion: the PC refresh cycle can wait another year.
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Data centre builders head for Scotland

By John E. Dunn, Techworld

Better known for its proximity to stunning highland scenery, Inverness is to host a new data centre built to exploit an equally valuable asset - renewable energy.

The result of a £20 million ($29.8 million) collaboration between Alchemy Plus and Microsoft, the 20,000 square feet facility in the town's Harbour development area is designed to go beyond housing the usual utility computing hardware found in any other rival's data centre.

According to Alchemy Plus, waste heat extracted from the centre, due to be opened in 2010, will be transferred to neighbouring parts of Inverness to warm properties using an unspecified method. It is not clear that this heat will be cheaper than other sources, but it will be able to claim to be 'greener'.

The company has also made a general commitment to use the locality's growing stock of renewable wind and water energy to power, or part-power, the centre, further reducing its official carbon footprint.

"This development could not be better timed. Demand for premium data centre space continues to far outstrip available supply, and the current economic downturn is driving a rapid shift towards "Cloud" based services," said Alchemy Plus's chairman, Peter Swanson.

Not coincidentally, Scotland is being touted for two other data centres based on the same theme of 'green' energy, the first of which is a massive 250,000 square foot centre proposed for Lockerbie in the borders of Scotland. To be built and run by 'Built by Lockerbie Data Centres', the project would create one of the largest data centres in the world, and again it will pipe waste heat to a nearby housing scheme.

Meanwhile, Atlantis Resources Corporation has proposed building one by the Pentland Firth and designed to exploit wave turbine energy capable of supplying 40 percent of the centre's needs.

Alchemy implied that the chilly climate of Inverness, situated in the north of Scotland, will somehow reduce the centre's cooling requirements, though this looks a bit far-fetched. Without turning the whole building into a sophisticated heat exchanger, it's hard to see how a few degrees in average temperature will make any noticeable difference compared to putting the centre in, say Edinburgh or Birmingham.

More likely, it is just cheaper to build data centres away from expensive urban areas further south, and cheaper possibly to staff and run them too. Towns in the highlands of Scotland are eager for new jobs and perhaps the centres will attract as-yet unspecified tax concessions too.

All three of these centres have yet to receive planning permission, so it's early to suggest Scotland might be about to become a new boom country for the cloud computing world. But it would sure beat sheep farming.
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Data centre managers explore energy efficiency

Remedies for electricity price hikes.

By James Niccolai, IDG News Service.

Putting data centres on decommissioned ships and reusing hot water from cooling systems to fill the town swimming pool were among the ideas floated at last week's Data Center Energy Summit.

Data centre operators came together to compare notes about the best ways to tackle rising energy consumption at their facilities. Ideas ranged from the exotic to the more down to earth, like improving air-flow management and using outside air in colder climates to cool equipment.

After a brief lull a few years ago, a new wave of data centre construction and expansion is under way, stretching the power and cooling capacities of existing facilities and putting pressure on utilities' electrical grids, speakers said.

Subodh Bapat, vice president for energy efficiency at Sun Microsystems, described a perfect storm of factors that are forcing data centres to become more power efficient.

The electricity consumed by microprocessors is increasing by 16 percent per year as they become more powerful, he said, which contributes to a 14 percent increase in the power consumed by each new generation of servers. At the same time, energy prices in the US have increased by about 12 percent on average for the past three years and are expected to keep climbing.

That's forcing some data centres to consider unusual solutions. One large health-care centre is looking at reusing hot water expelled by its cooling systems to do its laundry, Bapat said. A hosting company in the north-east of the US is freezing water overnight, when the cost of electricity is cheaper, and then blowing air over the ice during the day to provide cold air for cooling systems.

Another company hopes to put portable data centres on ships docked at port, giving it "the biggest heat sync in the world [the ocean] to get rid of waste heat," Bapat said.

Most people at the summit here were looking for more down-to-earth solutions. They were offered by several large data centers who discussed results from pilot tests designed to help show the real-world savings offered by from various energy-saving techniques.

One of the most effective is better air-flow management, so that cold air pumped in to cool equipment doesn't mix with hot exhaust air coming out, said Bill Tschudi of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Many data centres use alternating hot and cold aisles to keep warm and cold air separate, but that method is only partially effective because the air mixes in the spaces above the aisles, Tschudi said.

Oracle tested "hot-aisle containment" at one data centre in Texas, which involves building an enclosure around server racks so that the hot exhaust can be siphoned off. Cooling systems account for as much as half the energy consumed by some data centres, said Mukesh Khattar, who heads Oracle's energy efforts.

The hot-aisle containment allowed Oracle to reduce the fan speed in its cooling system by 75 percent, which reduced the fan's power consumption by 40 percent, Khattar said. It installed a variable frequency drive to control the fan and got payback for the investment in nine months, he said.
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Sun's green datacentre strategy - have none

Get rid of the lot.

By Chris Mellor, Techworld

We've all heard of the fab-less computer company: now here is the datacentre-less computer company; Sun in this instance. Sun intends to operate without a single datacentre by 2015.

That's the somewhat incredible vision described, in a sign of the times, in a blog post by Brian Cinque, who is a datacentre architect at Sun Microsystems. Given the sensational nature of Cinque's ideas we have checked, insofar as we could, his credentials over the weekend and, yes, he does indeed seem to be a datacentre architect at Sun.

Sun's IT CTO, John Dutra confirmed the vision although not the 2015 goal, in a Forbes interview. Dutra said that Sun will eliminate five of its eight datacentres by 2013 with the remaining three going sometime after that. Yes, Sun does indeed intend to operate entirely on a software-as-a-service (SAAS) model.

The answer to datacentre green house gas (GHG) emissions, ever-increasing electricity prices, and datacentre operating burdens is to do away with them. Stop treating a datacentre as an in-house DIY activity and rent computing power over the grid, having applications run 'in the cloud'.

Nicholas Carr, author of The Big Switch, a book on utility computing published earlier this year, which says that exactly this shift in IT is happening, said: "This is a very real sign of the shift from the private data center to the public grid for computing. It means that Sun expects the utility computing grid will be mature enough by 2015 to handle any type of software that the company runs."

Cinque's Vision

By 2013 Sun will cut in half the total power needed by is datacentres today through a consolidation exercise, moving from eight to just three centres. He writes: "SunIT will move in an evolutionary manor from several generations of infrastructure, both technology and processes, to a model that is far more efficient with enabling factors like technology and IT Governance-like processes. As SunIT reduces datacentres due to higher utilisation functionality, there will be a point proven by metrics, that SunIT can only become so efficient. At that point SunIT must progress from a service-oriented architecture to more of a software as a service."

Why do this?

- Reduced IT costs thanks to a major reduction in datacentre space, power, and cooling requirements.
- Reduced IT costs and decreased time to implement projects thanks to a reduction in operations complexity for the datacentre staff.
- Compliance with Datacentre audit finding.
- A foundation for sourcing components.
- A transition to an “evolutionary change” infrastructure management style.
- Alignment with application, security, business systems, and agent architectures.
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