I believe that positive thinking is the main tool that was given to us in life to help us survive the good times and the bad times! If your like me ,sometimes positive thinking is the only thing we have to grasp ! I remember growing up not ever knowing about my Father which was really devastating ,especially living in a house with 5 women! Now let me tell you, that was a rough time and i did a lot of positive thinking back then. Back to my father ,The story is, that he Died on the job working on some power lines ! that's it folks ! That's all they gave me to swallow for years as a young child. Now all my life i have wonder over and over again even now ,was there more to this story? So as a child young when i had my alone time with my mother away from my sisters i would try to pick her brain about him because i just needed peace and mind about who and what my father really was !
Still Nothing to this Day i get the same story so i guess that was a hard time for my mom cause she never re-married. Now it was really rough going to my friends house seeing the life they had with an traditional family and experiencing quality time with Dad and son fishing trips or just a little Game of Catch every once in awhile in the yard ! Now that was the world i could have gotten use to but unfortunately i was stuck with mom And my 4 crazy sister ! So what did i do to find a father figure in my life? I walked 14 blocks to my grandmother house everyday just to be next door with my friend nick and his Dad .(uncle chuck) I believe Uncle Chuck saw it in my eyes that i was on a mission and searching for a male figure in my life! I had two lives , one at home with the girls and another with the boys! this man took me in and made me his on! Now the only bad part about that was when the boy's got in
trouble, that meant i was in trouble too, but that was OK because i was happy and i knew the rules and the circumstances !He taught me a lot and i knew if i kept thinking Positive that i would find my way to his heart and i did ! Understand when other friends came over to play and we were grounded then that meant i was the only one who could come over ! But being at home with the girls was a different story. Being there some days i just wished i could run away because of all the chaos my sister put on my mother made me feel really uncomfortable being the only guy in the house.I believe that is when, i started my new way of positive thinking ! For most of you who have had a older sibling you can pretty much picture your brother or sister being a teen doing all crazy things that most teenagers encounters in their youth. Now that's was a scary time for me because when they missed that 10:30 check in on the weekend doing whatever they did out all night long ,but when that happened ,no one was asleep that night because you know how the old saying goes if momma ain't happy ,then nobody is happy and i was not being awaking from a good night sleep to wake up from the chaos that my family created that night when my sisters arrived at 1 a.m. in the morning! So your thinking to yourself , Whats does this have to do with the new positive thinking? Well of coarse, I'm getting to point right now ! You See when i look back at all that drama that unfolded before my eyes everyday or weekend in my house i understood one thing about me! I always had a grip on Life! Meaning , i always knew that no matter how many times my sisters got in trouble that they would always come to me for help which was strange because keep in mind ,these are my sisters which who are older than me but still was looking for a shoulder to cry on with Advice or a positive message just to end their horrible night they just experienced with Mom! Now now matter how many times that happen to them i always gave them something good to walk away from and to me it was just simply common sense not to do bad and always think positive no matter what the world puts in front of you but sometimes life passes people by so fast, that it just doesn't hit home and then you have the effect of time not waiting on no one! the main Question is ,did my sisters ever act right or start thinking positive ? no ! I will say this , i WAS THE ONLY PERSON IN MY HOUSE WHO WAS NOT ASKED TO LEAVE AFTER HIGH SCHOOL ! Matter or fact i had a roommate at 17 then had my first job at a long job silvers and even bought my own car ,after that it was history!! I always new ,once i had a chance to be on my own then i would soon find myself , And once i did let me tell you about how powerful positive think can work for you! I met a lot of great teachers ,positive powerful people and strong powerful friends who i will never forget!
Why is the new positive thinking so important in life?
Everyday we come across some obstacle, such as a mean boss or co-workers or people who are just not happy with life because of the negative influence in life that they had to deal with for ever ! Now i know every person that you meet has had a bad story from yesterday all the way to their child hood! My main topic is can you get over the hump? For example ,when i announce that me and my ex -wife was getting Divorce the whole community shook up bad vibes!we were the talk of the town ! Now living in a small town that's doesn't seem small, when you know people and all they have to do, all day long ,is talk about people's problems, then you must know what I'm talking about ! But the most important thing is, Divorce wasn't so bad after at all like we've all heard it would be ! Now keep in mind my Ex wife is no Cinderella ( and I'm no prince charming)but now she is a great friend and it makes most people uncomfortable to notice that ! Why, because when you mention the D word in your family or community, church or where ever your people are they try to predict your out come of your life AND MAKE UP RULES ON HOW YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO MORN YOUR DIVORCE or basically try to live your life's outcome for you ! I'm sorry folks but when you decide to think a certain way and add some strong beliefs in your life then no matter what situation you come across ,with a Brand new way of Positive thinking you will always be on the Right Road to success ! Me and my ex made the Decision to be great friends for the kids because they deserved a good life with both parents regardless of the outcome ! I support her and she supports me and its a wonderful
God bless and always, Have a great day today, because tomorrow is just a gift, if you make it there !
Brand new positive thinking
by Lemmy Moore
Brand New Positive Thinking
Admin, Kamis, 25 Desember 2008
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